Private Chef #73719 Polina, Toronto, ON, Canada - Page 1

Private Chef Polina Toronto, ON, Canada

Chef Polina

Personal Chef # 73719

Cooking style
In everything that I cook, I am careful about the presentation of my dishes, food safety, quality and sustainability. I believe that visual appeal is just as important as taste. I studied Italian and European cuisine in Italy as a part of Culinary Arts-Italian at my college, the Russian and Eastern Europe are soulful cuisines for me, and American, BBQ, and Spanish cuisine are my favourites I am ready to share with you all the uniqueness of those cuisines and even more. Get Ready! ; )
Hello to everyone reading my post! :) My name is Polina. I am an alumnus of George Brown College, where I studied Culinary Management and Culinary Arts-Italian programs. I have been working as a cook and chef in the restaurant industry for 6 years. I have worked in restaurants in Canada and Italy. During this time, I have gained much experience and knowledge in the culinary field. Now, I would love to start my career as a private chef and bring the guests a phenomenal experience, delicious food, amazing atmosphere and joy of the evening.
American, BBQ, Eastern Europe, Europe, Italian, Russian, Spanish
Chef Polina
Italian Dinner

Italian Dinner

$ 11.80 /guest    2 and more
What would you like?

What would you like?

$ To discuss    4 and more