Private Chef #73855 Cavan, Paris, IDF, France - Page 1

Private Chef Cavan Paris, IDF, France

Simple and refined seasonal cooking

Personal Chef # 73855

Cooking style
I used the best ingredients/produce when they are at their seasonal peak. I use classic techniques to make food that is both delicious and visually beautiful. My style is based on modern European/Mediterranean cooking but I also take aspects of Middle Eastern and North African flavours. I am of Indian heritage, which also has an influence on how I cook.
I am a professional chef with 13 years cooking experience. I began my career in Liverpool at The London Carriage Works. I then moved to London where I worked for 8 years in restaurants such as The Camberwell Arms, Portland (1 Michelin star) and Brawn. I moved to Marseille in the summer of 2023 and then to Paris in January 2024. While in France I have done several residencies in wine bars and bistros and also a lot of private dining/event cooking.
Europe, French, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern
Chef Cavan
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