Private Chef #20802 Antonis Pechlivanaki, Kallithea, Greece - Page 1

Private Chef Antonis Pechlivanaki Kallithea, Greece

This is my passion, my life, my love, my way of art!

Personal Chef # 20802

Cooking style
My philosophy is based on best technicks form France and Asia creating a fusion Mediterranean style
Chef Antonis Pechlivanakis as he grew up he practiced mostly artistic professionals such as painting and music... at the age of 17 cooking was his ultimate passion and way to express his artistic nature .. starting his studies at Le monde and expended his knowledge at the university Ferrandi in Paris as well as at a university in Thailand specializing in food styling and carving ... At the age of 22 he managed to take over his first restaurant as well as he was chef teacher in 2 chefs schools in Greece ..He participated in Hellenic competition conquering,either himself or his dishes 2 gold and 3 silver metals ... He has worked in Brussels in one of the 25 best hotels and restaurants in Europe and 60 best in the world and also in Michelin stars restaurant ... he was personal chef in villas of famous Greek and European celebrities... in recent years he has been engaged in business consulting for plenty restaurant and hotels Gastronomy 2016 festival Gastronomy 2011 festival Member of Hellenic chef club Benelux chef club &ITQI
Asian, French, Greek, Italian, Mediterranean, Molecular
Chef Antonis Pechlivanaki
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