Private Chef #35958 Sisi, Luxembourg - Page 1

Private Chef Sisi Luxembourg

Decadent food for the soul and the body

Personal Chef # 35958

Cooking style
My cooking style is healthy-decadent. Super tasty nutritional balanced food that will makes your heart singing. Including vegan, vegetarian, gluten- or lactose-free menus
I used to be a hobby cook since 2019, when I took part in Masterchef Bulgaria. I finished at 8th place and decided that I want to do this for living from now on. Luckily I started working in Cosmos - the best bulgarian restaurant based in Sofia and after 3 months I became an assistant of the head chef helping him running the pass. I have master degree in Pharmacy and bachelor in Nutriology which helps me to better understand the processes behind cooking. I’m really good in pastry too.
BBQ, Bio, Decadent, Eastern Europe, Europe, Fusion, Health, Italian, Mediterranean, Molecular, Vegan, Vegetarian
Chef Sisi
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