Private Chef #74682 Melker, STOCKHOLMS LäN, Sweden - Page 1

Private Chef Melker STOCKHOLMS LäN, Sweden

Fine dining Chef for private

Personal Chef # 74682

Cooking style
I work directly with caviar companies, farms, fishermen, berry pickers and hunters to achieve a high quality and experience. Cooking is not always about getting the best picture, but about adapting to the guests' needs and wishes, but always trying to surprise.
I am a fine dining chef who has learned in many of the high end kitchens in Sweden and had the honor of working with several of the best chefs globally. Today I cook mixed but love fusion with Swedish ingredients. Today I run an event company within lifestyle management and of course can't get away from creating new creations and creating fantastic events with fine dining.
Asian, Bio, Europe, French, Fusion, Health
Chef Melker
Arctic and Nordic food

Arctic and Nordic food

€ 135.70 /guest    2 and more
What would you like?

What would you like?

To discuss    4 and more