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Private Chef Jess Acworth, GA, United States

Keep it simple. Whole food. Healthy body.

Personal Chef # 10724

Cooking style
Rustic and simple. Specialize in special diets and food allergies. Reading nutrition labels is a science. Vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, calories, and so much more, is a full time endeavor when trying to keep up with your health and wellness nutrition goals. Knowing good ingredients from bad ones is confusing. Let Chef Jess, a certified personal chef, with years of experience and knowledge take the worry and stress away and create the meals you need for a happier, healthier, more energetic you.
I have over 20+ years in the food industry ranging from small restaurants to large corporate chains, college culinary recruitment, food service management, private k-12 catering and lunch operations, to a Certified Personal Chef with the USPCA. Servsafe certified, Bachelor of Arts, Culinary Business Academy, Culinary Arts from The Art Institute of Atlanta.
Fusion, Health, Italian, Mediterranean, Vegan, Vegetarian
Chef Jess
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