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Private Chef Lucas New York, NY, United States

Southern Comfort Kicked up a Notch

Personal Chef # 10737

Cooking style
My cooking style is strongly influenced by my southern roots...flavorful, unpretentious foods that evoke that down home feeling. That said, I've certainly become more health conscious since leaving home, and am always finding ways to balance and lighten those classic southern dishes. Then again...there are days when you just need to not worry about that....can I get an amen?!
My grandparents owned a luxury boutique hotel in Southeast Texas renowned for its delicious cuisine. I grew up in that kitchen, and soaked up all of the lessons I could from my grandmother, a wizard of southern cuisine. Though I chose not to pursue a culinary career, cooking and entertaining from my home and others homes has continued to be a passion of mine. Besides, as my grandmother told me, no faincy cookin' school was gonna teach me more than she could!
Foodie Lucas
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