Chef a domicilio #73919 Maria, Vilanova i la Geltrú, CT, España - Page 1

Chef a domicilio Maria Vilanova i la Geltrú, CT, España

“Food brings people together. It’s the most basic need of humans and one of life's greatest pleasures.

Chef a domicilio # 73919

Especialidad culinaria
I have managed to make my passion my way of life. Thanks to my father, who passed on my enthusiasm for creating magic in the kitchen since I was a child, I can continue to enjoy and feel connected to my origins. My desire to continue learning, my love for cooking and my life in Spain have broadened my gastronomic horizons considerably. I am the result of the road I have travelled, a chef who creates Mediterranean cuisine with a touch of world fusion.
Experience the journey through chef Maria Salone’s shared passion for gastronomy and a job well done. Always revolving around this desire to share a love of flavours and smells, a passion for innovation, as well as a commitment to excellence; Maria Salone is the perfect private chef for private events, gourmet dinners and unforgettable culinary experiences during your holiday.
Español, Fusión, Italiano, Mediterráneo
Chef Maria
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Especial Menu

Especial Menu

€ 64.90 /persona    4 y más