Personal Chef Symone, Los Angeles, CA, United States | Menu #13717

Personal Chef Symone

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Menu #13717
Menu 1

Just a simple meal.

Category: Breakfast/Brunch - Cooking class
Influence: American, French
curly  Appetizer  curly
Denver breakfast muffin
Denver breakfast muffin

Ever had a Denver omelet..with bacon or ham, bell pepper ,red onoin, mushroom, and cheese. Well I made that into a muffin for on the go and kid friendly.

curly  Main Course  curly
Shrimp and Cheddar grits
Shrimp and Cheddar grits

Medium size shrimp with cheddar cooked into grits. Served hot

$ 11.80 /guest       4 and more
Select a reservation date
After selecting a time slot, go further down the page to book.
Noon (10h-14h)
Evening (18h-22h)