Personal Chef Kaleil, New York, NY, United States | Menu #13683

Personal Chef Kaleil

New York, NY, United States

Menu #13683
Vegetarian meal

A combination of a vegetarian appetizer and main course

Category: Cocktails - Cooking class - Dinner - Lunch
Influence: American, Asian, Health, Vegetarian
Dietary restriction: (Gluten-Free, Vegetarian)
curly  Appetizer  curly
Cucumber salad
Cucumber salad

Cucumbers with a sesame vinaigrette. Topped with a yogurt based dressing, red onion, sesame seeds, and scallions.

curly  Main Course  curly
Vegetable curry
Vegetable curry

Assortment of vegetables covered in a mild curry sauce.

$ 59.00 /guest       2 and more
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After selecting a time slot, go further down the page to book.
Noon (10h-14h)
Evening (18h-22h)