Personal Chef miki, Vienna, VIENNA, Austria | Menu #23913

Personal Chef miki

Vienna, VIENNA, Austria

Menu #23913
miki apostolo

Black pudding. Chilly raclette. Fermented cucumber Risotto. Salsiccia. Bellper knolle Trout. Zucchini. Olives Poppy seeds Strauben. Chantilly. Berries

Category: Breakfast/Brunch - Cooking class - Dinner - Lunch
Influence: Europe, Fusion, Health, Italian, Mediterranean
Dietary restriction: (Gluten-Free, Halal, Kosher, Lactose-Free, Organic, Paleo, Rawterian, Vegan, Vegetarian)
curly  Appetizer  curly
black angus tartare, pompom mushrooms, maiwipferl
black angus tartare, pompom mushrooms, maiwipferl

black angus tartare, pompom mushrooms, maiwipferl

curly  Dessert  curly
topfengratin, ruhbarb, shortbread
topfengratin, ruhbarb, shortbread

topfengratin, ruhbarb, shortbread

€ 2.12 /guest       2 and more
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After selecting a time slot, go further down the page to book.
Noon (10h-14h)
Evening (18h-22h)