Personal Chef Yasmin, ENGLAND, United Kingdom | Menu #22923

Personal Chef Yasmin

ENGLAND, United Kingdom

Menu #22923
Gluten Free Heaven

Vibrant beetroot and lentils salad with Pistachio oil for a warm summers day, Creamy gluten free dairy free truffle tagliatelle, Aquafaba Pavlova with lime, chocolate, coconut yogurt and raspberry coulis to finish

Category: Breakfast/Brunch - Cooking class - Dinner - Lunch
Influence: Europe, Middle Eastern, Vegan, Vegetarian
Dietary restriction: (Gluten-Free, Lactose-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian)
curly  Appetizer  curly
Vibrant Beetroot and Lentils salad with Pistachio oil
Vibrant Beetroot and Lentils salad with Pistachio oil

Flavourful lentils with beetroots and pistachio oil

curly  Main Course  curly
Creamed Truffle Tagliatelle
Creamed Truffle Tagliatelle

Gluten free Tagliatelle with vegan creamy truffle sauce

curly  Dessert  curly
Aquafaba Pavlova
Aquafaba Pavlova

Vegan pavlova with lime zest, coconut yogurt melted chocolate and raspberry coulis.

£ 34.81 /guest       4 and more
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After selecting a time slot, go further down the page to book.
Noon (10h-14h)
Evening (18h-22h)