Private Chef #74385 Francesco, New York, NY, United States - Page 1

Private Chef Francesco New York, NY, United States

Chef Amenta

Personal Chef # 74385

Cooking style
I love traditional Italian cuisine, I mean the real one, the one handed down by tradition. That said, I admit that I often like to twist it up and reinterpret it in a somewhat modern key. I am also a great fan of other cuisines, such as Japanese, Spanish French, and European Mediterranean in general. I always pay attention to the health aspect of cooking, my father was in medicine and I grew up with the culture of health in the kitchen. I love pastries, and you will also find ice cream on my menu. In addition, I can give you great wine recommendations by pairing it with the menu or building a menu around a wine tasting.
My name is Francesco and I am originally from Modena, the city where the famous balsamic vinegar comes from and the region where the famous pasta-making tradition (tortellini, ravioli, and tagliatelle, to name a few) originates. I am a professional musician and Chef. I have always had a passion for cooking and have always been on a quest for the perfect flavors, the freshest ingredients, and how to balance a recipe or create the perfect menu. I have always thought that cooking and music are connected, and I have always tried to be creative, respecting the traditions of my motherland, Italy, starting with simple ingredients to create interesting dishes. I worked in restaurants in the Netherlands, working long shifts as a sous-chef, I had the opportunity to gain experience, certainly one of the most challenging and formative, especially because of the large number of guests, was the restaurant of the ICC (International Criminal Court) in The Hague. Living in an international environment such as the Netherlands, as I did, allowed me to learn different cuisines (not just Italian), and also to expand my vocabulary with new ranges of flavors and recipes. This also allowed me to rediscover Italian cuisine with different eyes and to appreciate its roots. Now that I live in New York I would like to share with you my experience, knowledge, and passion for food. I have a long experience as a chef, as mentioned before, food and wine are a great passion for me, I do private dinners and corporate parties, and especially I love wine tastings because I like to develop a specific menu according to the wine the customer is going to taste. I am always open to the client's requests and their needs as long as they relate to the type of cuisine that I propose, I have many menus to propose if you have any doubts or questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
BBQ, Europe, Italian, Japanese, Mediterranean, Spanish
Chef Francesco
Luxury Italian Menu

Luxury Italian Menu

$ 274.94 /guest    2 and more
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