Personal Chef reviews - Chef Leon #58651 - Page 1

Chef at home Leon

Westport, ON, Canada



Orient Express!
Never hosted a dinner party before, but we were thrilled by Chef Leon and his brother Onno, who cooked a delectable 7-course meal inspired by the Orient Express train journey. We had courses from France, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Turkey. All of the food was amazing, and Chef Leon did an incredible job of proposing a menu that perfectly captured my vision on the first try! Very friendly chef, good communication. Would highly recommend!
Orient Express!
Never hosted a dinner party before, but we were thrilled by Chef Leon and his brother Onno, who cooked a delectable 7-course meal inspired by the Orient Express train journey. We had courses from France, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Turkey. All of the food was amazing, and Chef Leon did an incredible job of proposing a menu that perfectly captured my vision on the first try! Very friendly chef, good communication. Would highly recommend!
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